Source code for CGI.Util

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Generated by "pythonizer -a" v1.025 run by SNOOPYJC on Fri Feb 10 14:16:27 2023
__author__ = """Joe Cool"""
__email__ = ""
__version__ = "1.025"
import builtins, functools, perllib, re

_bn = lambda s: "" if s is None else s
_pb = lambda b: 1 if b else ""
_str = lambda s: "" if s is None else str(s)

def __sortf(func, aa, bb):
    """Handle sort with user function - in perl the global $a and $b are compared"""
    global a, b
    a = aa
    b = bb
    return func([])

[docs]def ascii2ebcdic(*_args): _args = list(_args) data = _args.pop(0) if _args else None def _f311(_m_): global _m _m = _m_ return chr(perllib.int_(CGI.Util.A2E_a[ord(])) data = re.sub(re.compile(r"(.)"), _f311, _str(data), count=0) return data
CGI.Util.ascii2ebcdic = ascii2ebcdic
[docs]def ebcdic2ascii(*_args): _args = list(_args) data = _args.pop(0) if _args else None def _f305(_m_): global _m _m = _m_ return chr(perllib.int_(CGI.Util.E2A_a[ord(])) data = re.sub(re.compile(r"(.)"), _f305, _str(data), count=0) return data
CGI.Util.ebcdic2ascii = ebcdic2ascii # This internal routine creates an expires time exactly some number of # hours from the current time. It incorporates modifications from # Mark Fisher.
[docs]def expire_calc(*_args): [time] = perllib.list_of_n(_args, 1) mult = perllib.Hash( { "s": 1, "m": 60, "h": 60 * 60, "d": 60 * 60 * 24, "M": 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, "y": 60 * 60 * 24 * 365, } ) # format for time can be in any of the forms... # "now" -- expire immediately # "+180s" -- in 180 seconds # "+2m" -- in 2 minutes # "+12h" -- in 12 hours # "+1d" -- in 1 day # "+3M" -- in 3 months # "+2y" -- in 2 years # "-3m" -- 3 minutes ago(!) # If you don't supply one of these forms, we assume you are # specifying the date yourself offset = None if not time or (_str(time).lower() == "now"): offset = 0 elif"^\d+", _str(time)): return time elif _m :="^([+-]?(?:\d+|\d*\.\d*))([smhdMy])", _str(time)): offset = (perllib.num(mult.get( or 1) * perllib.num( else: return time cur_time = perllib.time() return cur_time + perllib.num(offset)
CGI.Util.expire_calc = expire_calc # This internal routine creates date strings suitable for use in # cookies and HTTP headers. (They differ, unfortunately.) # Thanks to Mark Fisher for this.
[docs]def expires(*_args): [time, format_] = perllib.list_of_n(_args, 2) format_ = format_ or "http" MON = "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split() WDAY = "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat".split() # pass through preformatted dates for the sake of expire_calc() time = expire_calc(time) if not (("^\d+$", _str(time)))): return time # make HTTP/cookie date string from GMT'ed time # (cookies use '-' as date separator, HTTP uses ' ') [sc] = perllib.list_of_n(" ", 1) if _str(format_) == "cookie": sc = "-" [sec, min_, hour, mday, mon, year, wday] = perllib.list_of_n( perllib.gmtime(perllib.int_(time)), 7 ) year += 1900 return perllib.format_( f"%s, %02d{_bn(sc)}%s{_bn(sc)}%04d %02d:%02d:%02d GMT", (WDAY[wday], mday, MON[mon], year, hour, min_, sec), )
CGI.Util.expires = expires # URL-encode data # # We cannot use the %u escapes, they were rejected by W3C, so the official # way is %XX-escaped utf-8 encoding. # Naturally, Unicode strings have to be converted to their utf-8 byte # representation. # Byte strings were traditionally used directly as a sequence of octets. # This worked if they actually represented binary data (i.e. in CGI::Compress). # This also worked if these byte strings were actually utf-8 encoded; e.g., # when the source file used utf-8 without the appropriate "use utf8;". # This fails if the byte string is actually a Latin 1 encoded string, but it # was always so and cannot be fixed without breaking the binary data case. # -- Stepan Kasal <> #
[docs]def escape(*_args): _args = list(_args) # If we being called in an OO-context, discard the first argument. if len(_args) > 1 and ( perllib.ref_scalar(_args[0]) or ( (1 < len(_args) and _args[1] is not None) and _str(_args[0]) == _str(CGI.DefaultClass_v) ) ): (_args.pop(0) if _args else None) toencode = _args.pop(0) if _args else None if toencode is None: return None if perllib.utf8_is_utf8(_str(toencode)): ((toencode := (_s := perllib.utf8_encode(_str(toencode)))[0]), _s[1])[1] if CGI.Util._EBCDIC_v: def _f236(_m_): global _m _m = _m_ return perllib.format_("%%%02x", CGI.Util.E2A_a[ord(]).upper() toencode = re.sub(re.compile(r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.~-])"), _f236, _str(toencode), count=0) else: def _f238(_m_): global _m _m = _m_ return perllib.format_("%%%02x", ord( toencode = re.sub(re.compile(r"([^a-zA-Z0-9_.~-])"), _f238, _str(toencode), count=0) return toencode
CGI.Util.escape = escape
[docs]def utf8_chr(*_args): _args = list(_args) c = _args.pop(0) if _args else None u = chr(perllib.int_(c)) ((u := (_s := perllib.utf8_encode(u))[0]), _s[1])[1] # drop utf8 flag return u
CGI.Util.utf8_chr = utf8_chr # unescape URL-encoded data
[docs]def unescape(*_args): _args = list(_args) if len(_args) > 0 and ( perllib.ref_scalar(_args[0]) or ( (1 < len(_args) and _args[1] is not None) and _str(_args[0]) == _str(CGI.DefaultClass_v) ) ): (_args.pop(0) if _args else None) todecode = _args.pop(0) if _args else None if todecode is None: return None todecode = _str(todecode).translate(str.maketrans("+", " ")) # pluses become spaces if CGI.Util._EBCDIC_v: def _f195(_m_): global _m _m = _m_ return chr(perllib.int_(CGI.Util.A2E_a[int(, 16)])) todecode = re.sub(re.compile(r"%([0-9a-fA-F]{2})"), _f195, _str(todecode), count=0) else: # handle surrogate pairs first -- dankogai. Ref: def _f207(_m_): global _m _m = _m_ return utf8_chr( 0x10000 + (int(, 16) - 0xD800) * 0x400 + (int(, 16) - 0xDC00) ) todecode = re.sub( re.compile( r""" %u([Dd][89a-bA-B][0-9a-fA-F]{2}) # hi %u([Dd][c-fC-F][0-9a-fA-F]{2}) # lo """, re.X, ), _f207, _str(todecode), count=0, ) def _f209(_m_): global _m _m = _m_ return ( (chr(int(, 16))) if (_m is not None and 1 <= len(_m.groups())) else utf8_chr(int(, 16)) ) todecode = re.sub( re.compile(r"%(?:([0-9a-fA-F]{2})|u([0-9a-fA-F]{4}))"), _f209, _str(todecode), count=0 ) return todecode
CGI.Util.unescape = unescape
[docs]def simple_escape(*_args): _args = list(_args) if not ((toencode := (_args.pop(0) if _args else None)) is not None): return toencode = re.sub(re.compile(r"&", re.S), r"&amp;", _str(toencode), count=0) toencode = re.sub(re.compile(r"<", re.S), r"&lt;", _str(toencode), count=0) toencode = re.sub(re.compile(r">", re.S), r"&gt;", _str(toencode), count=0) toencode = re.sub(re.compile(r"\"", re.S), r"&quot;", _str(toencode), count=0) # Doesn't work. Can't work. forget it. # $toencode =~ s{\x8b}{&#139;}gso; # $toencode =~ s{\x9b}{&#155;}gso; return toencode
CGI.Util.simple_escape = simple_escape
[docs]def make_attributes(*_args, wantarray=False): _args = list(_args) global _d attr = _args.pop(0) if _args else None if not (attr and perllib.ref_scalar(attr) and perllib.refs(attr) == "HASH"): return perllib.Array() if wantarray else None escape_v = (_args.pop(0) if _args else None) or 0 do_not_quote = _args.pop(0) if _args else None quote = "" if do_not_quote else '"' attr_keys = perllib.Array(sorted((attr if attr is not None else perllib.Hash()).keys())) att = perllib.Array() for _d in attr_keys: [key] = perllib.list_of_n(_d, 1) key = re.sub(r"^\-", r"", _str(key), count=1) # get rid of initial - if present # old way: breaks EBCDIC! # $key=~tr/A-Z_/a-z-/; # parameters are lower case, use dashes key = f"{(_bn(key)).lower()}".translate( str.maketrans("_", "-") ) # parameters are lower case, use dashes value = simple_escape(attr.get(_str(_d))) if escape_v else attr.get(_str(_d)) att.extend( perllib.make_list( f"{_bn(key)}={quote}{_bn(value)}{quote}" if attr.get(_str(_d)) is not None else f"{_bn(key)}" ) ) return sorted(att)
CGI.Util.make_attributes = make_attributes def _rearrange_params(*_args): global _d, a, b [order, *param] = perllib.list_of_at_least_n(_args, 1) param = perllib.Array(param) if not param: return perllib.Array() if perllib.refs(param[0]) == "HASH": param = perllib.Array(param[0]) else: if not (param.get(0) is not None and _str(param[0])[0:1] == "-"): return param # map parameters into positional indices i = 0 pos = perllib.Hash() i = 0 for _d in order: for _d in _d if perllib.refs(_d) == "ARRAY" else [_d]: pos[_str(_d).lower()] = i i += 1 params_as_hash = perllib.Hash( {**{param[_i]: param[_i + 1] for _i in range(0, len(param), 2)}} ) result_a = perllib.Array() leftover_h = perllib.Hash() perllib.set_last_ndx(result_a, (len(order) - 1)) # preextend # sort keys alphabetically but favour certain keys before others # specifically for the case where there could be several options # for a param key, but one should be preferred (see GH #155) def _f125(*_args): if"content", re.I), _str(a)): return 1 elif"content", re.I), _str(b)): return -1 else: return perllib.cmp(a, b) for k_l in sorted( list(params_as_hash.keys()), key=functools.cmp_to_key(lambda a, b: __sortf(_f125, a, b)) ): key = _str(k_l).lower() key = re.sub(r"^\-", r"", key, count=1) if key in pos: result_a[perllib.int_(pos[key])] = params_as_hash.get(_str(k_l)) else: leftover_h[key] = params_as_hash.get(_str(k_l)) return result_a, leftover_h CGI.Util._rearrange_params = _rearrange_params
[docs]def rearrange_header(*_args): [order, *param] = perllib.list_of_at_least_n(_args, 1) param = perllib.Array(param) [result, leftover] = perllib.list_of_n(_rearrange_params(order, *param), 2) if len((leftover if leftover is not None else perllib.Hash()).keys()): result.extend(perllib.make_list(make_attributes(leftover, 0, 1, wantarray=True))) return result
CGI.Util.rearrange_header = rearrange_header # Smart rearrangement of parameters to allow named parameter # calling. We do the rearrangement if: # the first parameter begins with a -
[docs]def rearrange(*_args): [order, *param] = perllib.list_of_at_least_n(_args, 1) param = perllib.Array(param) [result, leftover] = perllib.list_of_n(_rearrange_params(order, *param), 2) if len((leftover if leftover is not None else perllib.Hash()).keys()): result.extend( perllib.make_list( make_attributes( leftover, CGI.Q_v.get("escape") if CGI.Q_v is not None else 1, wantarray=True ) ) ) return result
CGI.Util.rearrange = rearrange CGI.DefaultClass_v = perllib.init_global("CGI", "DefaultClass_v", None) CGI.Q_v = perllib.init_global("CGI", "Q_v", perllib.Hash()) CGI.Util.A2E_a = perllib.init_global("CGI.Util", "A2E_a", perllib.Array()) CGI.Util.E2A_a = perllib.init_global("CGI.Util", "E2A_a", perllib.Array()) CGI.Util.ISA_a = perllib.init_global("CGI.Util", "ISA_a", perllib.Array()) CGI.Util._EBCDIC_v = perllib.init_global("CGI.Util", "_EBCDIC_v", None) a = "" b = "" builtins.__PACKAGE__ = "CGI.Util" # SKIPPED: use parent 'Exporter'; CGI.Util.ISA_a.append("Exporter") # SKIPPED: require 5.008001; # SKIPPED: use strict; CGI.Util.EXPORT_OK_a = "rearrange rearrange_header make_attributes unescape escape expires ebcdic2ascii ascii2ebcdic".split() CGI.Util.VERSION_v = "4.54" CGI.Util._EBCDIC_v = _pb("\t" != "\011") appease_cpants_kwalitee = """ use strict; use warnings; #""" # (ord('^') == 95) for codepage 1047 as on os390, vmesa CGI.Util.A2E_a = perllib.Array( [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 55, 45, 46, 47, 22, 5, 21, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 60, 61, 50, 38, 24, 25, 63, 39, 28, 29, 30, 31, 64, 90, 127, 123, 91, 108, 80, 125, 77, 93, 92, 78, 107, 96, 75, 97, 240, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, 248, 249, 122, 94, 76, 126, 110, 111, 124, 193, 194, 195, 196, 197, 198, 199, 200, 201, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 214, 215, 216, 217, 226, 227, 228, 229, 230, 231, 232, 233, 173, 224, 189, 95, 109, 121, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 192, 79, 208, 161, 7, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 6, 23, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 9, 10, 27, 48, 49, 26, 51, 52, 53, 54, 8, 56, 57, 58, 59, 4, 20, 62, 255, 65, 170, 74, 177, 159, 178, 106, 181, 187, 180, 154, 138, 176, 202, 175, 188, 144, 143, 234, 250, 190, 160, 182, 179, 157, 218, 155, 139, 183, 184, 185, 171, 100, 101, 98, 102, 99, 103, 158, 104, 116, 113, 114, 115, 120, 117, 118, 119, 172, 105, 237, 238, 235, 239, 236, 191, 128, 253, 254, 251, 252, 186, 174, 89, 68, 69, 66, 70, 67, 71, 156, 72, 84, 81, 82, 83, 88, 85, 86, 87, 140, 73, 205, 206, 203, 207, 204, 225, 112, 221, 222, 219, 220, 141, 142, 223, ] ) CGI.Util.E2A_a = perllib.Array( [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 156, 9, 134, 127, 151, 141, 142, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 157, 10, 8, 135, 24, 25, 146, 143, 28, 29, 30, 31, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133, 23, 27, 136, 137, 138, 139, 140, 5, 6, 7, 144, 145, 22, 147, 148, 149, 150, 4, 152, 153, 154, 155, 20, 21, 158, 26, 32, 160, 226, 228, 224, 225, 227, 229, 231, 241, 162, 46, 60, 40, 43, 124, 38, 233, 234, 235, 232, 237, 238, 239, 236, 223, 33, 36, 42, 41, 59, 94, 45, 47, 194, 196, 192, 193, 195, 197, 199, 209, 166, 44, 37, 95, 62, 63, 248, 201, 202, 203, 200, 205, 206, 207, 204, 96, 58, 35, 64, 39, 61, 34, 216, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 171, 187, 240, 253, 254, 177, 176, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 170, 186, 230, 184, 198, 164, 181, 126, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 161, 191, 208, 91, 222, 174, 172, 163, 165, 183, 169, 167, 182, 188, 189, 190, 221, 168, 175, 93, 180, 215, 123, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 173, 244, 246, 242, 243, 245, 125, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 185, 251, 252, 249, 250, 255, 92, 247, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 178, 212, 214, 210, 211, 213, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 179, 219, 220, 217, 218, 159, ] ) if CGI.Util._EBCDIC_v and ord("^") == 106: # as in the BS2000 posix-bc coded character set CGI.Util.A2E_a[91] = 187 CGI.Util.A2E_a[92] = 188 CGI.Util.A2E_a[94] = 106 CGI.Util.A2E_a[96] = 74 CGI.Util.A2E_a[123] = 251 CGI.Util.A2E_a[125] = 253 CGI.Util.A2E_a[126] = 255 CGI.Util.A2E_a[159] = 95 CGI.Util.A2E_a[162] = 176 CGI.Util.A2E_a[166] = 208 CGI.Util.A2E_a[168] = 121 CGI.Util.A2E_a[172] = 186 CGI.Util.A2E_a[175] = 161 CGI.Util.A2E_a[217] = 224 CGI.Util.A2E_a[219] = 221 CGI.Util.A2E_a[221] = 173 CGI.Util.A2E_a[249] = 192 CGI.Util.E2A_a[74] = 96 CGI.Util.E2A_a[95] = 159 CGI.Util.E2A_a[106] = 94 CGI.Util.E2A_a[121] = 168 CGI.Util.E2A_a[161] = 175 CGI.Util.E2A_a[173] = 221 CGI.Util.E2A_a[176] = 162 CGI.Util.E2A_a[186] = 172 CGI.Util.E2A_a[187] = 91 CGI.Util.E2A_a[188] = 92 CGI.Util.E2A_a[192] = 249 CGI.Util.E2A_a[208] = 166 CGI.Util.E2A_a[221] = 219 CGI.Util.E2A_a[224] = 217 CGI.Util.E2A_a[251] = 123 CGI.Util.E2A_a[253] = 125 CGI.Util.E2A_a[255] = 126 elif CGI.Util._EBCDIC_v and ord("^") == 176: # as in codepage 037 on os400 CGI.Util.A2E_a[10] = 37 CGI.Util.A2E_a[91] = 186 CGI.Util.A2E_a[93] = 187 CGI.Util.A2E_a[94] = 176 CGI.Util.A2E_a[133] = 21 CGI.Util.A2E_a[168] = 189 CGI.Util.A2E_a[172] = 95 CGI.Util.A2E_a[221] = 173 CGI.Util.E2A_a[21] = 133 CGI.Util.E2A_a[37] = 10 CGI.Util.E2A_a[95] = 172 CGI.Util.E2A_a[173] = 221 CGI.Util.E2A_a[176] = 94 CGI.Util.E2A_a[186] = 91 CGI.Util.E2A_a[187] = 93 CGI.Util.E2A_a[189] = 168