Source code for Exporter

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Generated by "pythonizer -aM -d5 -v3" v1.027 run by SNOOPYJC on Wed Feb 22 14:03:51 2023
__author__ = """Joe Cool"""
__email__ = ''
__version__ = '1.030'
import builtins,perllib,re
_bn = lambda s: '' if s is None else s
_pb = lambda b: 1 if b else ''
_str = lambda s: '' if s is None else str(s)
_locals_stack = []
[docs]class LoopControl(Exception): pass
import sys perllib.init_package('Exporter') # Default methods
[docs]def export_fail(*_args): _args = list(_args) self = (_args.pop(0) if _args else None) return _args
Exporter.export_fail = export_fail # Unfortunately, caller(1)[3] "does not work" if the caller is aliased as # *name = \&foo. Thus the need to create a lot of identical subroutines # Otherwise we could have aliased them to export().
[docs]def as_heavy(*_args): import Exporter.Heavy as _Exporter_Heavy # Unfortunately, this does not work if the caller is aliased as *name = \&foo # Thus the need to create a lot of identical subroutines c = (perllib.caller_s(1))[3] c = re.sub(r'.*::',r'',_str(c), count=1) return perllib.fetch_perl_global(f"Exporter::Heavy::heavy_{_bn(c)}")
Exporter.as_heavy = as_heavy
[docs]def require_version(*_args): __goto_sub__ = True return as_heavy()(*_args)
Exporter.require_version = require_version
[docs]def export_ok_tags(*_args): __goto_sub__ = True return as_heavy()(*_args)
Exporter.export_ok_tags = export_ok_tags
[docs]def export_tags(*_args): __goto_sub__ = True return as_heavy()(*_args)
Exporter.export_tags = export_tags
[docs]def export_to_level(*_args): __goto_sub__ = True return as_heavy()(*_args)
Exporter.export_to_level = export_to_level
[docs]def export(*_args): __goto_sub__ = True return as_heavy()(*_args)
Exporter.export = export
[docs]def import_(*_args): pass # SNOOPYJC: We have a built-in handler for Export in Pythonizer
# SNOOPYJC _args = list(_args) # SNOOPYJC global _d # SNOOPYJC try: # SNOOPYJC _locals_stack.append(perllib.SIG_WARN_HANDLER) # SNOOPYJC pkg = (_args.pop(0) if _args else None) # SNOOPYJC callpkg = perllib.caller_s(perllib.int_(Exporter.ExportLevel_v)) # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC if _str(pkg) == 'Exporter' and _args and _str(_args[0]) == 'import': # SNOOPYJC perllib.store_perl_global(_str(callpkg) + '::import', Exporter.import_, infer_suffix=True) # SNOOPYJC return # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC # We *need* to treat @{"$pkg\::EXPORT_FAIL"} since Carp uses it :-( # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC exports = perllib.fetch_perl_global(f"{_bn(pkg)}::EXPORT"+'_a') # SNOOPYJC # But, avoid creating things if they don't exist, which saves a couple of # SNOOPYJC # hundred bytes per package processed. # SNOOPYJC fail = (_str(pkg) + '::')['EXPORT_FAIL'] and perllib.fetch_perl_global(f"{_bn(pkg)}::EXPORT_FAIL"+'_a') # SNOOPYJC if Exporter.Verbose_v or Exporter.Debug_v or fail and perllib.num(len(fail)) > 1: # SNOOPYJC return Exporter.export(pkg, callpkg, *_args) # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC export_cache = perllib.set_element(Exporter.Cache_h, pkg, Exporter.Cache_h.get(_str(pkg)) or perllib.Hash()) # SNOOPYJC if (not (args:=_args)): # SNOOPYJC _args = exports # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC if args and not export_cache: # SNOOPYJC def _f46(_d): # SNOOPYJC for _i in range(len(exports)): # SNOOPYJC exports[_i] = _f46(exports[_i]) # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC for _ in range(1): # SNOOPYJC _d = re.sub(r'^&',r'',_str(_d),count=1), perllib.set_element(export_cache, _d, 1) # SNOOPYJC return _d # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC heavy = None # SNOOPYJC # Try very hard not to use {} and hence have to enter scope on the foreach # SNOOPYJC # We bomb out of the loop with last as soon as heavy is set. # SNOOPYJC if args or fail: # SNOOPYJC for _d in _args: # SNOOPYJC (heavy:=(_pb('\W',_str(_d)) or args and not _str(_d) in export_cache or fail and fail and _str(_d) == _str(fail[0])))) and perllib.raise_(LoopControl('break')) # SNOOPYJC else: # SNOOPYJC for _d in _args: # SNOOPYJC ('\W',_str(_d))) and perllib.raise_(LoopControl('break')) # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC if heavy: # SNOOPYJC return Exporter.export(pkg, callpkg, *(_args if args else perllib.Array())) # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC def _f61(*_args): # SNOOPYJC pass #SKIPPED: require Carp; &Carp::carp} if not $SIG{__WARN__}; # SNOOPYJC return perllib.carp() # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC if not perllib.SIG_WARN_HANDLER: # SNOOPYJC perllib.SIG_WARN_HANDLER = _f61 # SNOOPYJC # shortcut for the common case of no type character # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC for _d in _args: # SNOOPYJC perllib.store_perl_global(f"{_bn(callpkg)}::{_bn(_d)}", perllib.fetch_perl_global(f"{_bn(pkg)}::{_bn(_d)}"), infer_suffix=True) # SNOOPYJC # SNOOPYJC finally: # SNOOPYJC perllib.SIG_WARN_HANDLER = _locals_stack.pop() Exporter.import_ = import_ Exporter.Cache_h = perllib.init_global('Exporter', 'Cache_h', perllib.Hash()) Exporter.Debug_v = perllib.init_global('Exporter', 'Debug_v', 0) Exporter.ExportLevel_v = perllib.init_global('Exporter', 'ExportLevel_v', 0) Exporter.Verbose_v = perllib.init_global('Exporter', 'Verbose_v', '') _d = None builtins.__PACKAGE__ = 'Exporter' #SKIPPED: use strict; #SKIPPED: no strict 'refs'; Exporter.Debug_v = 0 Exporter.ExportLevel_v = 0 Exporter.Verbose_v = Exporter.Verbose_v or 0 Exporter.VERSION_v = '5.77'